磺化酚醛树脂-磺化褐煤是磺化酚醛树脂和磺化褐煤的共聚物,为黄色至棕色的粉末。它是一种抗高温降滤失剂,配成溶液后不仅可以有效的降低滤失并形成高质量的泥饼,而且在高温下也能在长时间和钻很长的进尺后使钻井液性能性能保持稳定。SPNH与KPAM、SMP,SMC SMT配合使用形成磺酸盐钻井液体系可以用于钻超过4000m的深井,还用于配制盐水饱和盐水钻井液。SPNH抗温能力为180℃。SPNH在淡水钻井液中加量为1%~2%,在盐水钻井液中的加量为2~3%。
SPNH SPNH is a copolymer of sulfonates of phenol resin,lignite and acrylic polymer.It is a yellow to brown powder.SPNH is a high temperature FL control agent. The fluid system treated with a certain amount of SPNH not only gets a very well controlled FL and a high quality of mud cake,but also renders the system a stability of longer period and more footage at higher temperature. SPNH jointly used with KPAM,SMP,SMC and SMT can formulate polymer-sulfonates drilling fluid systems for wells of depth over 5000m and also salt water and saturated water drilling fluid systems. The thermal stability of SPNH itself is about 180℃.The routine dosage of SPNH is 1%~2% for fresh water drilling fluid and 2~3% for salt water drilling fluid
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